Warren Schutte, MD

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Coolsculpting Loveland Drives Results

Are you ready for summer? We know that when you try out all of what Coolsculpting Loveland has to offer here at Front Range Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, you will be just as ready as we are to take summer in full force! If you aren’t really sure what Coolsculpting entails, you are in for a treat!

CoolSculpting Adding to Non-Invasive Procedures Available

As Americans we live in a society that is obsessed with beauty and youth which tends to leave many of us, both men and women, feling less than perfect. Plastic surgery procedures across the US continue to grow in popularity and with new options, innovations and procedural techniques, cosmetic surgery is becoming more of an option for a lot of us. Though a large portion of plastic surgery patients choose the more traditional procedures of nose jobs, eye lifts or a full face lift, non-invasive procedures of plastic surgery are growing in popularity.

Is CoolSculpting Right For You?

Coolsculpting is the newest breakthrough for fat elimination from certain areas in the body. But is it right for you? Fat-fighting cosmetic techniques have been utilized by doctors across the country for decades now, but its always important to fully access a procedure, its advantages and benefits and weigh those against its side effects and disadvantages before undergoing any procedure.

CoolSculpting and the War on Fat

It seems like here in the United States we are fighting a perpetual war. Not a war on drugs, or for oil or even for human rights or against poverty. It seems that most of us find ourselves to be soldiers in the never-ending battles against fat. We all have been exposed to tactics that have left us spent, unhealthy and frustrated and that allowed our enemy to further flourish adding more to our hips, bellies and behinds. Often, we have raised the white flag in surrender while we looked for a new plan of attack.

End The Muffin Top with CoolSculpting®

Really the only time a muffin top should be present, is on an actual muffin. And though the term “love handles” is a tad adorable, there actually isn’t anything cute about what it refers to. When was the last time you wanted him grabbing at them anyway? And though safe and healthy weight loss is always the preferred method of trimming down, sometimes we all seem to have issues with some body areas. Especially as we age, our midriff can take on a whole new appearance that we aren’t exactly thrilled with and a stubbornness in keeping that fat regardless the number of crunches applied.

Experienced Plastic Surgeon offering CoolSculpting!

Many of us have made a New Years Resolution to get fit this year. We are at the gym painstakingly working to get rid of that extra fat. While exercise is absolutely fantastic, sometimes it takes a little more to get rid of our most stubborn fatty areas. If you have been working hard to get rid of your fat to no avail then our experienced plastic surgeon may be able to help. We are Fort Collins Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and we are offering you the chance to get rid of your unwanted fat easily, safely, and effective, without surgery!

Gain Confidence With CoolSculpting

Are you embarrassed of your body due to bulging fat? As we age our bodies change, and they store fat in different ways; fat becomes a lot harder to get rid of. If you are sick of looking at yourself in the mirror due to a few bulging areas on your body then you might be interested in plastic surgery serving Fort Collins. We are Front Range Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and we are proud to say that we offer CoolSculpting®.