Warren Schutte, MD

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3 Reasons You Will Love Your CoolSculpting

With the rise in popularity of the cosmetic procedures that combine to comprise Mommy Makeovers, it’s no surprise that non-surgical liposuction, also known as CoolSculpting, is also on the rise, especially here at Front Range Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Loveland. If you are not quite ready to commit to a tummy tuck, then a non-invasive CoolSculpt is just the ticket for you to recapture that waistline that’s been forgotten about since you’ve been growing your family. There are a lot of great reasons to invest in your waistline for this post-holiday time of year.

  1. You won’t have to feel uncomfortable during all those pictures people will want to take of you.
  2. You can start getting excited about wearing a two piece on a cruise ship, or anywhere for that matter.
  3. You will want to take care of your new waistline, so you’ll feel more prone to walks, jogs or chasing around those amazing kids.

Contact our office or visit our website for more detailed information on this ground-breaking CoolSculpt procedure. A member of our expert staff can answer all your questions, so call today.