Warren Schutte, MD

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Can CoolSculpting® Address a Double Chin?

If you are generally healthy and in moderate to good shape, CoolSculpting can be an incredible option for you in Loveland. This non-invasive version of liposuction can take care of the pockets of fat that life builds up in certain areas of your body. It delivers results with little discomfort and minimal downtime for recovery. At Front Range Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, we are proud to offer CoolSculpting as a fantastic option to all of our clients.

CoolSculpting is often used on the legs, arms, and torso. However, sometimes fat builds up under the chin. More and more people are curious if CoolSculpting can be used in this area to tighten up the skin under the jaw. Is this possible?

The CoolSculpting process of freezing fat cells is definitely applicable to the chin. And the good news is, Zeltiq, the creator of CoolSculpting, is coming out with an applicator made to fit the chin. Up until now, all apparatuses have been too large to treat the chin. With Zeltiq’s new applicator, double chins will be treatable with this revolutionary fat-eliminating procedure.

No matter what your goals may be, it is very important to make an appointment with an experienced surgeon like our Board Certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Schutte. A specialist will be able to make all your options clear and will work hard to get you the results you need. Particularly at Front Range Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, we treat each of our clients individually and make it our mission to achieve each client’s unique goal. Contact us today for an appointment!