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CoolSculpting® FAQ Part 1
When we talk about quality of life, we’re often talking about living situation, income, and relationships. We often forget that self-esteem is central to quality of life. When you feel great about yourself, overall life is much better, and at Front Range Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, we have made it our mission to empower people to give themselves the best quality of life possible. CoolSculpting® has become one of our favorite options for people who struggle with self-image due to stubborn fat deposits. CoolSculpting is fast, convenient, and practically recovery-free.
In today’s blog, we’re going to go over common questions that people have about CoolSculpting.
Is CoolSculpting a safe procedure?
- We understand that freezing parts of your body until the fat cells die can be a bit unnerving, but CoolSculpting is an incredibly precise treatment that has proven itself to be completely safe. It’s cleared by the FDA, and though it causes mild discomfort for some patients, it hasn’t shown itself to be damaging. Make sure you bring up any concerns you have in your consultation with our Board-Certified plastic surgeon!
What actually happens during treatment?
- With the help of our Dr. Schutte, you will identify areas to be treated. The CoolSculpting apparatus will draw that part of your skin up between two cooling panels, which freeze the fat cells. Each panel is full of extremely sensitive temperature sensors that ensure the treatment is effective and not harmful. In most cases, the treatment only takes an hour, which makes it perfect for any busy lifestyle.
This blog is no substitution for a face-to-face conversation with our Board-Certified plastic surgeon. We hope that this blog serves as a jump-off point for you on your journey to achieving the body you want. Our entire team is here to help you with customized solutions and care. Contact us today!