Areas That You Can Target With CoolSculpting
Are you a person who is no more than 30 pounds overweight, but you have certain areas where you just can’t seem to get your fat to go away, no matter how much you diet and exercise? If so, CoolSculpting can be a great option for you. The CoolSculpt machine applies a very controlled amount of cold temperatures to the region you’re targeting. Fat cells that lie just underneath your skin are more vulnerable to cold than the skin itself, meaning that with the right controlled conditions, your CoolSculpting procedure will cause the fat cells to die without damaging the skin above them. It’s an FDA-cleared procedure that’s completely non-surgical, with minimal downtime.
Debunking the Spot Reduction Myth
Many different companies in the exercise industry would like you to believe that it’s possible to sculpt specific areas of your body by focusing your workout on them. For instance, they want you to think that, if you do enough sit-ups, you’ll have washboard abs. The reason why they want you to believe this is to sell more body-part specific exercise machines, workout videos and specialty equipment. But, fat loss is much more complicated than that, and many studies have proven that spot reduction through exercise just doesn’t work.
3 Mindset Tips To Explore Before Your Coolsculpt Appointment
If you’re embarking on a Coolsculpting journey, you’ve likely done your research on the procedure. As you may already know, Coolsculpting is an impressive solution that’s both innovative and non-surgical and is beneficial for tackling stubborn fat that just doesn’t want to let go! As your Coolsculpt appointment is nearing, you may feel a range of feelings from excitement to apprehension — and all of these feelings are to be expected. The best self-work to do before you have any procedure that is altering your appearance, is introspection work. Working through your narrative and the emotions you’re feeling will only usher a positive experience. So, follow along for mindset tips to take before your Coolsculpt appointment!
CoolSculpting® vs. Venus Freeze
Figuring out which fat reduction process best fits you can be a formidable challenge. There are so many to choose from! As we said in our last blog, finding a professional who puts your care first is absolutely essential. We understand that such an expert can seem very difficult to find, but we have good news: you just found one! At Front Range Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, we have a Board Certified plastic surgeon who has the knowledge and experience to guide you to the best solution for you.
CoolSculpting® FAQ Part 1
When we talk about quality of life, we’re often talking about living situation, income, and relationships. We often forget that self-esteem is central to quality of life. When you feel great about yourself, overall life is much better, and at Front Range Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, we have made it our mission to empower people to give themselves the best quality of life possible. CoolSculpting® has become one of our favorite options for people who struggle with self-image due to stubborn fat deposits. CoolSculpting is fast, convenient, and practically recovery-free.
Post-CoolSculpting® Concerns Solved Part 2
We absolutely love CoolSculpting®! This nonsurgical liposuction process utilizes cold temperatures to freeze pockets of fat cells so that the body will remove them itself. The results are proven, and it’s the only fat-removal process you can do over your lunch break. That being said, it is a relatively new process. Thousands of studies have been done on it, and that is where we get our answers. In our last blog, we explored concerns about cholesterol increases and nerve damage. Today, we are going to throw light on two more common concerns that simply aren’t needed!
What Will Happen to My Skin After CoolSculpting®?
When you talk about fat-removal processes, the inevitable next topic is skin. What is to be done about the folds of skin that were stretched over the fat that is no longer there? At Loveland Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, we are extremely familiar with this topic, and that is part of why we love CoolSculpting® so much. When you get liposuction, you often end up with folds of skin that we can easily take care of. However, CoolSculpting continues its revolutionary theme by being kinder to the skin than any other treatment.
CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction Part 2
In our last blog, we explored the general differences between liposuction and CoolSculpting®. Depending on your situation and goals, one or the other will be better for you. At Front Range Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, we pride ourselves on getting to know our clients and giving them the unique treatment they need. In this blog, we will explore some of the advantages and disadvantages of liposuction and CoolSculpting.
Why CoolSculpting® is Great for Men Part 2
If you see “fat reduction treatment” and immediately think of scars, pain, and long-term recovery, we have great news for you: you can avoid all these things and still get the fat reduction with CoolSculpting®! This proven non-surgical liposuction targets troublesome fat, and it works best if you are close to your goal but plagued by fat pockets that just won’t go away.
How Soon Can I Get a Second Treatment?
If you are not familiar with CoolSculpting®, it is a process created by Zeltiq for removing fat in certain areas of the body. Zeltiq is a medical technology company that has created a way to reduce fat cells by cooling them just enough. The cold temperatures kill fat cells, which are then carried away by the body. It is a revolutionary process that delivers results for far less discomfort, time, and recovery than other methods.